Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Marshalls

Alex leads our family as my wonderful husband! He is currently studying piano performance at the School of Music within the University of Utah. After a first degree in Biomedical Engineering, Alex decided that his true passion was where he belonged and now eats, sleeps, and breathes music; which is where he clearly should be. He works in a vocal studio with David Schmidt and accompanies all over the place.

Katie is currently studying vocal performance at the School of Music. Most of her time however, is dedicated to sweet little Kimi. Katie and Kimi are almost completely inseparable. The only time they are not together is when Katie is in class, which is a struggle because everyone would love Kimi in her classes ;)

Kimi is the newest member of our family. She is now 7 months old and spends most of her time in my arms or trying to pull herself up onto something ;) Kimi has a very special heart. Born with Congenital Heart Disease, she has L-Transposition of the Great Arteries. This is one of two types, the other being "D-TGA." Kimi is very fortunate because with L-TGA, her heart is fully functional on it's own and so far doesn't need to have corrective surgery.

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Alex and I got married on December 16th, 2006 and been together every day since our first date in April of that year. I guess you could say we are somewhat crazy about each other!